PPIJ: The Public Policy Institute for Justice Church of God in Christ, Inc.

Policy Research Center on Education
Retrieve and examine the data that can create exact, precise, and actionable understandings to enhance student outcomes.
Policy Research Center on Employment, Human Services, and Work Force Development
Evaluating how shifting demographics and economic inequality affect family and individual well-being.
Policy Research Center on Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Progressive confirmation that lead to a charge to propel social impact.
Policy Research Center on Health & Well-being Policies
Comprehending how persons and societies are capable of being revamped by sound policies and admittance to quality health care.
Policy Research Center on Housing Finance
Studying family fiscal protection from infanthood to retirement.
Policy Research Center on Housing Finance
Examining the housing finance construct and its influence on the economic markets, family units, and neighborhoods.
Policy Research Center on Justice
Informative discoveries to crime and safety difficulties.
Policy Research Center on Urban Cities & Neighborhoods
Discerning in what way housing and location influence people's existence.
Policy Research Center on Tax Policies
Impartial, available investigations of current and emerging tax policy issues.